Minnesota dating scene

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Meaning, lots of people are hitched, and they stay together more than in any other state. However, only about 19% of Minnesotans who did divorce ended up getting re-married, which is the 3rd lowest rate in the nation. I mean look at Arkansas: 35% of the people there re-marry at least once. We got your back. This list is a scientific analysis based on real data and is completely unbiased. But in Minneapolis, only 32% of the population is married, which is the lowest amount in the state. And only 22% of people have kids. Those are really low numbers for such a large city. I mean look over at St. Paulians are married, and 27% have kids. There are just a TON of places to run into potentially single people here. Mankato Mankato, MN % married: 2nd lowest % with kids: 2nd lowest Places to meet: 4th most This makes sense because Mankato is a college town in the middle of nowhere, about an hour west of Rochester. Only 1 in 3 people here is married, and only 1 in 5 has a kid. Your chances are best at a restaurant. Only Minneapolis has more per capita than Mankato. Duluth Duluth, MN % married:6th lowest % with kids: 3rd lowest Places to meet: 2nd most Duluth would have ranked even higher, except its population density is near the bottom. Only 4 in 10 people here is married, and only 1 in 4 has a kid. And your best bet is finding a female between 25 and 45 here. So, fellas, if you live in Duluth, take heart in the fact that at least there are lots of fish in the sea. Winona Winona, MN % married: 3rd lowest — 35% % with kids: Lowest Places to meet: 5th highest Hardly anyone in Winona has kids! Only 18% of Winonans are sitting at home on a Friday night, watching cartoons and mopping up snow puddles. How about taking someone that pretty girl from work to Caribou instead? Roseville Roseville, MN % married: 25th % with kids: 3rd lowest Places to meet: 8th highest A whopping 48% of people are married in Roseville, which means your chances of finding love are more diminished. However, only 20% have kids. Your best bet in Roseville is a coffee shop. The hardest place to meet someone in Roseville might be at church. There are far fewer churches per capita here than in any other city on this list except for Bloomington. There are a lot of women, ages 45 to 54 here. Rochester Rochester, MN % married: 24th lowest % with kids: 24th lowest Places to meet: 3rd highest Sadly, almost half of the population in Rochester is married. But, the good news is there are almost as many bars, restaurants, coffee shops and churches, per capita, here in Rochester than in Minneapolis. So, your chances of meeting people is really high, even though lots have rings on already. Where are most likely places to meet someone in Austin? At a bar or church. Moorhead Moorhead, MN % married: 7th lowest % with kids: 9th lowest Places to meet: 12th highest Oh boy, there sure a lot of single females between the ages of 25 and 35 in Moorhead, dontchaknow? If you DO have a third eye, you can always cross the Red River into Fargo. They have much lower standards over there. Bloomington Bloomington, MN % married: 23rd lowest % with kids: 8th lowest Places to meet: 10th highest There are lots of women between 35 and 55 here in Bloomington, a Minneapolis suburb. Hardly anyone here has kids 22% , meaning lots more people are out on Friday and Saturday nights. There are a high number of bars and coffee shops here, but hardly any churches. Who are we kidding? They want bad guys. Additionally, here are the worst places for dating in Minnesota: 1. Ramsay % married: 9th highest — 52% % with kids: 13th highest — 28% Places to meet: 3rd lowest 2. Cottage Grove % married: 15th highest — 51% % with kids: 6th highest — 30% Places to meet: 5th lowest 3.

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